Photonics Scotland is pleased to launch its fourth Annual Survey.

Over the last three years our surveys have provided a comprehensive analysis of the sector, generating data that has catalysed discussions and activities with a number of key external stakeholders in areas such as skills, exports and inward investment.  The surveys also provided an up-to-date evidence base that was critical to the inclusion of photonics and quantum as a key opportunity area within the Scottish Government’s National Strategy for Economic Transformation (NSET).

Government Ministers have been clear that further interventions through NSET will be evidence based. We are also expecting the imminent publication of the Scottish Government’s Innovation Strategy which is likely to have significant implications for our sector.

With this in mind it is crucial that as many organisations as possible complete the following survey. The data gathered will allow Photonics Scotland to emphasise the economic opportunity our sector brings to Scotland and identify and inform interventions to support our sector’s future growth.

The deadline for this survey is Friday 28th July.

All data received will be aggregated and anonymised before any subsequent reporting. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact